Friday, August 1, 2014

Powershell script to list application with no configured server

Powershell script to list application with no configured server

This script helps in housekeeping of Citrix Farm

Add-PSSnapin *citrix*
$applications = Get-XAApplication
$servers = Get-XAServer
foreach($app in $applications)
$ser = $null
$ser = Get-XAServer -BrowserName $app
If ($app.ApplicationType -eq "ServerInstalled")
if ($ser -eq $null )

echo $app.displayname | Out-File c:\output.txt -Append

output will contains list of apps with no configured server.

Powershell script to list publish application have no configured users

Powershell script to list publish application have no configured users

This script will help in housekeeping of Citrix farm

Add-PSSnapin *citrix*
$applications = Get-XAApplication
foreach($app in $applications)
$user = $null
$user = Get-XAAccount -BrowserName $app | Select-Object accountdisplayname
if ($user -eq $null )
echo $app.displayname $app.enabled | Out-File c:\output.csv -Append

you will get an output in csv file , output will contain application name and status whether application is enabled or disabled