Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Application Virtualization Client could not update publishing information from the server AppVManagementServer.


The Application Virtualization Client could not update publishing information from the server AppVManagementServer.

When i click on Refresh Server option from Application Virtualization Client getting below mention error message

Resolution :-

"Application virtualization Management server" was stop on App-v management server.

Start the "Application virtualization Management server" service resolve the issue.

The Application Virtualization Client could not launch the application you requested


The Application Virtualization Client could not launch the application you requested


Make sure content folder is reachable from client.

Monday, November 2, 2015

List APP-V applications

List APP-V applications

sftmime query obj:package /global /log package.csv

sftmime query obj:app /global /log application.csv

sftmime query obj:app /short /log application_short_name.csv

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Citrix Provisioning Server performance

Powershell Script to measure Citrix Provisioning Server performance

Change SMTP Server Name, Sender Email ID and Recevier Email ID

Save the below mention script  with .ps1 extension and run it from PVS server

# Sample interval 5 minutes

echo "The Copy Read Hits % is the counter that tells you what percent of read I/O being served is coming from system cache, not disk." > load.txt
echo "The higher the number is better" >>load.txt

Get-Counter "\cache\copy read hits %" -SampleInterval 300 | select -ExpandProperty countersamples | select -ExpandProperty cookedvalue | Measure-Object -Average -Maximum -Minimum >> load.txt

echo "The I/O Data Operations/sec counter is the counter that tells you how much I/O is being generated by StreamProcess.exe" >>load.txt
echo "This number will vary by environment, so take various baselines in your environment to figure out what a “healthy” number is for you" >>load.txt

Get-Counter "\Process(StreamProcess)\IO Data Operations/sec" -SampleInterval 300 | select -ExpandProperty countersamples | select -ExpandProperty cookedvalue | Measure-Object -Average -Maximum -Minimum >> load.txt

$load = get-content .\load.txt |out-string

Send-MailMessage -To "RECEIVER EMAIL" -Subject "Citrix Provisioning Server performance - Test PVS server (HostName) " -Body "\cache\copy read hits % in the past 5 minutes was $load" -SmtpServer "SMTP SERVER NAME" -From "SENDER EMAIL"

Get-Counter "\Process(StreamProcess)\IO Data Operations/sec"

Monday, July 27, 2015

Login exceeds maximum allowed users - NetScaler

Error: Login exceeds maximum allowed users

When a user tries to logon to NetScaler Access Gateway they may receive a message such as “login exceeds maximum allowed users” if the NetScaler Access Gateway VIP is configured for smart access mode.

Smart access mode enables Access Gateway features such as EPA scans which check endpoints for the presence of Anti-Virus, files and many other items

Each NetScaler comes with 5 universal licenses for you to use initially.


You have not purchased any Smart Access licenses and no more than 5 people can log into Access Gateway.


Change Access mode from Smart Access Mode to Basic Mode.

In NetScaler 10.5 ICA only is set to False, change it True.

 Edit VPN Virtual Server and check ICA only.

It will change ICA only from False to True